
Return Policy

As a Forex Fury member, adherence to our return policy is crucial if you seek a refund. It’s important to recognize that learning to use the software effectively varies by individual and requires time, particularly based on your trading experience. Historically, 99% of refund requests could have been avoided if the client had invested additional time and effort. A few days or even a week of trading isn’t sufficient to gauge the tool’s long-term efficacy.

To be eligible for a return, clients must comply with the following criteria:

  1. Provide 30 days of trading results, either from a demo or a live account, within the first 60 days. Backtests are not accepted.
  2. Operate using only one currency pair per account.
  3. Adhere to the specified trading period each day.


While clients are free to conduct multiple tests across various accounts, as we offer unlimited demos, adherence to these rules is essential for our policy.

Additionally, we encourage perseverance. Many of our clients have found success and even purchased additional licenses to manage more live accounts.

Please note, refunds are not available for:

  1. Diamond orders.
  2. Additional licenses.


We wish you the best of luck in your trading endeavors.